Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Second Tattoo

So I'm slightly OCD when it comes to numbers, I have a thing about odd numbers...moving on! I realised the other day if I only get one new tattoo then I'd have seven, so maybe I should get two like last time so I'd have eight! I was thinking I want one behind my ear and I want a feather tattoo. There are loads of pictures on Google and such that show truly horrific feather tattoos behind the ear and elsewhere which has put me off for ages, then I came across this picture and, well, perfection!

I love how it follows the contours of her ear and hair, and the outline isn't solid like some feather designs. So yeh I'm thinking this one and a quote on my arm. When I have the money anyway! Oh and a nose piercing too...hmmm...maybe being a primary teacher wasn't the best idea I've ever had!

Friday, 16 August 2013


I've finally decided what I want as my next tattoo, yay! But....I have yet to decide where. I really want it somewhere on my arm, however being a Primary teacher and already having one visible tattoo on my wrist I'm not so sure this will go down well with the parents...
But anyways, here are some photos I've been using for inspiration for placement for my latest one. Now I just need to save up enough cash (this could take!).

 photo tumblr_lhstiwI1nW1qaa6k6o1_500_large.jpg

 photo Celebrity-Ink-Erin-Wasson_large.jpg

 photo tumblr_ln288qbwjD1qezlt4o1_500_large.jpg

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Monday, 5 August 2013

Back Together Again!

Ever do that thing where you fall hard out of love with an item of clothing  then months later rediscover it? I totally did this with these snake print jeans! I haven't liked them since I got back from Japan, which is almost a year! But I wore them today and boy am I in love again! Especially with these newish shoes from Zara. What do you think? Are you in love with them too?

Jeans; Topshop: Sandals; Zara.

Thursday, 1 August 2013


So... last night I couldn't sleep. I probably only dropped off around 3am, then my mother called from Japan at 6.45am....not impressed. So I've only just surfaced again. Ergh, feel even more tired now! Ah well, here's hoping now I'm up I have a slightly more productive afternoon!